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Edmark  FAQ - Questions & Answers

Edmark Products from Edmark Group SA #edmarkproducts - visit

This page contains information about Edmark and Edmark's Products as well as a FAQ
( Frequently Asked Questions ) to help you find answers to any questions you may have about Edmark or Edmark Products.

If you have other Questions Click here...

Q. Where to buy Edmark products

A: You can buy your Edmark products rite here...

Click here to order Edmark products online.  


Q. What Edmark products should I use to lose weight fast?

A: You can use our P4 Healthy slimming plan to lose weight fast.

Q: What is Edmark Splina?

A: Edmark Splina is a health supplement produced by Edmark International and sold by Edmark Group SA.

Splina liquid chlorophyll is made with natural ingredients and helps to support overall health and well-being.   Read More...

Q. Where are Edmark Products made?

A. The Edmark factory is based in Malaysia.

Q. How can I become an Edmark product distributor?

A. To become an Edmark distributor you need to buy a distributor startup kit. You can order your kit and get training by contacting the Edmark Group SA here.

Q. Can you buy Edmark Products direct from the Edmark Johannesburg supplier?

A. No, You have to buy Edmark products from a Registered Distributor like us or you can sign up to become a distributor with us.

Click here to Order online...


Q. Why should I use Edmark products?

A. Some Edmark products help speed up the healing process and keep you healthy, while others detoxify and burn fat faster than usual to speed up weight loss. Click here for more examples.



Why is the Edmark Compensation Plan so difficult to understand as compared to others?
The Edmark Compensation Plan is a traditional breakaway plan that rewards its members for true group performance. As such, the method of calculation is complicated but nevertheless, Edmark has an SSMP program for all its members to understand the simplified version of the compensation plan.

What is the difference between APGS and CPGS?
CPGS is Current Personal Group Sales and APGS is Accumulated Personal Group Sales. CPGS is the monthly total personal sales of you and all your non-manager downlines. APGS is the accumulated CPGS every month until you have achieved 12,000 SV.

How to get a Performance Bonus?
Performance Bonus is the overriding potential of YOU over your non-manager downlines. If your CPS is less than 200SV, you will only override your own sales. If your CPS is at least 200SV (non-manager) then you get to override your non-manager downlines. See the chart for Performance Bonus overriding potentials.

How to get a Manager Bonus?
As long as you (a Manager and above), maintain your monthly minimum requirements (CPS and CPGS) and all your downline Managers (and above) do the same – then you will maximize your Manager Bonus.
Even if your downline managers did not maintain their monthly requirements, but you maintain yours then you also get your manager bonus (but you won’t be able to maximize your earning potential).

What is the maintenance of a distributor and a manager?
Distributors only need to maintain 200 SV for CPS.
Manager  & Sapphire Manager – 200SV CPS, 2,000SV CPGS.
Ruby Manager – 200SV CPS, 1,600SV CPGS
Emerald Manager – 200SV CPS, 1,200 CPGS
Diamond Manager – 200SV CPS, 800 CPGS
Crown Manager & Above – 2,00SV CPS, 200 CPGS
How many distributors will I need to register in order to achieve the 20% overriding for the Performance Bonus?
There is no specific amount of downlines required to become a Manager (being at the 20% level) as the requirements for promotion are based on actual sales that you and your non-manager downlines perform and accumulate. Unlike the pyramid scheme, Edmark does not reward you for recruiting but instead rewards you for actual sales performance.

How much money will I need to invest in order to qualify as a Fast Track Manager?
You need to invest an equivalent DP amount for SV equal to or more than 8,000CPGS in a month. Please see the various product price combinations that make up the 8,000SV.

For example, if you purchase 36 sets of P4 Plus packages in the Philippines in one month – you will become a fast track Manager. 1 P4 Plus package = 225 SV, 36 X 225 = 8,118 SV. Your investment is P 130,680. You will earn P16,236 from the Performance Bonus as a Fast Track Manager, not to mention the Manager, Achievement and Redemption bonuses.

What is a block system?
Block System means two things in our Leadership Bonus. First, you earn more than one block of group sales for overriding potentials. Second, your overriding potentials will be blocked by a downline who’s entitled to the same overriding potentials or higher.
For example, you (entitled to the Diamond Leadership Bonus) will earn up to the first level of your downline Diamond Manager who is also entitled to the Diamond Leadership Bonus). Note: one is not BLOCKED by a downline with the same position but by the Leadership Bonus he or she is taking.

What is a double bonus marketing plan?
A Double Bonus Marketing Plan means you are rewarded more than once for the same effort you put into your performance.
Example, (a) Performance Bonus & Manager Bonus, and (b) Manager Bonus & Leadership Bonus.

What is a Leadership Bonus?
Leadership Bonus is compensation where each of your Manager’s leg produces a total of 3,800SV or more in a month. The more legs you have with 3,800SV or more in a month entitles you to more overriding potentials.

How to Become fast track manager?
8,000SV CPGS in one month makes you a Fast Track Manager.

What is the slow track/regular way of becoming a manager?
12,000SV APGS with no time limit.
How to get the car fund and house fund?
Car Fund is for Diamond Managers and above. You must maintain 5 Qualified Managers for 3 consecutive months. You must purchase a car first before seeking a reimbursement of your Car Fund.

House Fund is for Crown Managers and above. You must maintain 7 Qualified Managers for 3 consecutive months. You must purchase a house first before seeking a reimbursement of your House Fund.

Is it possible to be a Manager in one month?
Yes, it is possible. Please see the requirements to be a Fast Track Manager = 80,000SV CPGS in one month.

If my downline is promoted to a Manager, will I be promoted too (if I’m a non-manager)?
If you are a non-manager and your downline is promoted to become a Manager – your promotion will depend on two (2) factors. First, if your downline becomes a Manager through the regular way then you will become a Sapphire Manager automatically (subject to you maintaining 2,000SV CPS and 20,000SV CPGS).

Second, if your downline becomes a Fast Track Manager then whether you become a Sapphire Manager will depend on whether you already have 40,000SV or more in your APGS. If you have, then you need to maintain 2,000SV CPS and 20,000SV CPGS to become a Sapphire Manager. If you don’t have 40,000SV or more in your APGS, you WILL not be promoted.

What’s the purpose of SV and BV?
SV is used to calculate promotion and BV is used to calculate your bonus payout. SV is constant to calculate purchases worldwide. BV is a variable to calculate the payout for your purchases worldwide (since the product pricing is different from country to country).

Does a distributor get an overriding percentage (%) from his/her downline even though the downline’s position is higher than the upline?
If you are a non-manager and your downline is promoted to a Manager, you will NOT be able to override anymore from his promotion. However, once you become a Manager, you will be able to override the group performance of all your downline Managers.

Why is the monthly maintenance for the Manager and Sapphire Manager the same?
The monthly maintenance for Manager and Sapphire Manager is the same because the high CPGS requirements will compel you to create more Manager Legs.

What is roll-up and roll-down as per our Marketing plan?
Roll-up (in Leadership Bonus) is the concept of accumulating qualification from the last Manager down to each of your qualified legs.
Roll-down (in Manager Bonus) is the concept of accumulating qualification from the first Manager down of each of your qualified legs.

If I qualified for the Emerald Leadership Bonus, and I have a downline Diamond Manager who qualifies for the Diamond Leadership Bonus, will I still be able to override the Leadership Bonus from the performance of the downline Diamond Manager?
See item (8) on the concept of the Block System. You (entitled to Emerald Leadership Bonus) will earn up to the first level of your downline Emerald Manager who is also entitled to Emerald Leadership Bonus.

What do you mean by breakaway?
Distributors will break away from sponsors and form their own groups as sales leaders when they advance to the position of Manager. The Plan then pays these sales leaders, called breakaways, a new, different type of commission like a Manager Bonus. Their group volume is no longer included in their sponsor’s group volume.

What happens when a Manager does not achieve 20,000 SV in a month but has only 2,000 SV from personal sales?
The Manager with only 2,000SV CPS but without the 20,000SV for CPGS will only get a Performance Bonus of 20% from his 2,000SV CPGS

Why is my CPS missing?
Answers can be discovered by taking the following action:
Always request the pink form (member’s copy of application form) from distributors (this will speed up the search process)
When you get the pink form or the cashbill number, go to the Cashbill listing to check if the cashbill is there (search by cashbill). This is the part where you will be able to identify whether the cash bill has been encoded wrongly (most commonly – an error in quantity, that’s why the points are missing) or whether the cash bill has been entered into the wrong name.
If everything is in place (and correct), now Check the SV Transfer Request Forms. More often than not, distributors usually forget that they did SV Transfer Requests. This is the most common occurrence.
If there is no record for SV Transfers, Check Void Cash Bills. Sometimes, when we void a cash bill – we will forget to encode the new cash bill. Or we will create a new cashbill first pending the void cashbill. In this case, the distributors will be under the impression that they have more SV/BV and then subsequently, when the cash bill is void – they will complain about the missing cash bill. Always VOID the cash bill first before encoding a new one.
Also, check the original top-up forms because there is also a tendency to key-in the wrong information.

Why is my CPGS missing?
Manager Downline broke away – check bonus tree of newly promoted downline manager. This is the most COMMON occurrence due to the lack of understanding of the concept of breakaway. Take this opportunity to explain to the Distributors when faced with such a question. This same question will be asked almost every alternate day.
What is top-up?
Top-Up is the concept of allowing our distributors to fulfil their monthly requirements by purchasing and/or SV Transfer before the bonus month ends.

When is the top-up period?
The Top-Up period starts on 5th of every month and ends on the 15th of every month.

When is the bonus calculated?
Bonus calculation happens on the 15th of each every month. There will be no more top-ups from the 15th onwards.

When is the bonus released?
Bonus is released on or about the 25th of every month. Distributors with Company-issued ATM accounts receive as early as the 21st of the month. The Company needs at least 10 days to generate payment, bonus statements, bonus vouchers and other necessary reports before the payment can be released.

How much should I top up?
Distributors should top-up sufficiently (or at their discretion, more) to maintain their monthly personal requirements according to their rank/position. In your bonus tree, please look at your CPS and CPGS.

Why is my bonus X amount?
Your bonus amount is based on you and your downline performance. You need to review your effort and your group performance and why your bonus amount is such. Should you think there is a discrepancy in the payout, kindly notify Edmark immediately.

Where can I get my bonus payout?
This depends on Edmark’s policies from country to country. Edmark either directly credits the amount to your bank account, by cheques which you may personally collect from our HQ, Branches or even at the nearest appointed franchisee. For amounts less the P1,000.00, Edmark will credit to an e-account which you can also personally collect from our HQ, Branches or at the nearest, appointed Franchisees. Please check Edmark pay-out policies in your country.

Is there direct credit for my bonus payout into my bank account?
Yes, only in selected countries and subject to the distributors having a bank account at the choice of Edmark. Not every bank is a participant in our direct credit program.

Is it possible for me to obtain my bonus from a branch of my choice even if all my purchases are made through another branch?
Yes, you may. However, this is only authorized on a case-to-case basis and you need to submit a request form to Edmark for approval.

Where can I get a copy of my bonus tree?
You are now able to download your bonus tree from our Edmark Distributors Internet Inquiry (EDCLICK) via from the 5th of every month. You may also request a print-out copy of your bonus tree from our HQ or Branches but a small fee will be imposed.

When can I request a copy of my bonus tree?
Should you need to request a print-out copy of your bonus tree from Edmark then it is only available from the 5th of each month. However, you are advised to continue monitoring your bonus tree every day until the last day of top-up.

Why is it difficult for a distributor to calculate or forecast the bonus amount to be received?
Our Edmark compensation plan has several modules that are calculated on profit sharing and points sharing. In this respect, it is impossible to forecast the payout as the figures obtained for calculation will depend on two main aspects, (a) the total sales of the Philippines (in International, the total sales of all our participating countries), and (b) the total number of Qualifiers and their sales.

What is SV Transfer?
SV Transfer is a facility that allows you to transfer your SV points to any of your downlines.

When can I perform an SV Transfer?
You can perform the SV Transfer at any time (but please indicate for which bonus month) – most importantly during the top-up period should you need to maintain the monthly requirements of some of your downlines.

Is an SV Transfer irrevocable?
Once you perform the SV transfer, it will not be revocable. Should you feel you have made a mistake, you need to get the authorization of the wrong transferee to perform another SV transfer for the points to be transferred back to you.

What does the N38K symbolize in the bonus tree?
The N38K as displayed in your bonus tree indicates how many legs you have with total group sales of 38,000SV or more. This is an indication of the type of Leadership Bonus you will be getting.

Would it be possible for the bonus tree to be released much earlier instead of during the top-up period?
The Bonus tree is only available for download from the Internet via (EDCLICK) starting from the 5th of each month and ending on the 14th of each month. So is your request for a printout from our HQ or specific branches.


How much is the registration fee? What do I get from the registration?
The registration fee depends on what kind of sales kit one purchases.  To view the different sales kits we offer click Here.

Are there products included?
Yes, as stated above

Can I have an EDA membership card for my spouse?
Yes, spouses are automatically a member also.

Can I change my upline?
Only if there was an error in the encoding of upline on our part or there was enough evidence that you were “hijacked” even if you specifically signified upon registration that you have already a sponsor who sent you to register.
Also if your top upline/recruiter wrongly placed you under an upline that belongs in the same family and later found that your place in the family is wrong. But this should be done within 1 month after registration.

Can I change my personal profile?
Yes, like wrong birthday, or wrong spelling in name or other details.  You have to write a letter to HQ requesting such changes with documents attached to support the request depending on the details to change.

Can I merge my membership with that of my spouse?
By rule, husband and wife should only have 1 membership. If for some reason, they managed to register separately in the past, then they should merge their membership immediately.

Can I use my Philippines membership Internationally?
No! Those 2 are different networks. They have different product pricing and points. Only your higher position between those 2 networks can be carried from one to the other.

Why do I need to re-register for international membership?
See (48) above. You need to re-register in order to be provided with a new EDA number for your international membership which will be used for your sales, recruitment and bonus calculation. Your Philippines EDA will not be recognized in the International network.

If a distributor is inactive for 10 years, does he/she require renewing his membership?
No. We have a lifetime membership. A distributor only needs to purchase P4 plus package and pay a reactivation fee in order to be active again.

My downline has registered with another upline. What’s my recourse?
Where there is proof that a distributor has two (2) EDA numbers, Edmark reserves the right to terminate the latter EDA number and preserve the former EDA number. In such an instance, the downlines of the latter EDA will NOT be moved to the former EDA number. Please be reminded that Edmark upholds this policy strictly about dual membership. Where there is sufficient proof to show malice or bad intention on the part of the upline, Edmark reserves the right to terminate the membership of the accused upline.

My downline was taken from me by another distributor. What can I do?

Can Edmark terminate that distributorship and transfer it to mine?
It is the responsibility of the upline to ensure their downlines are properly registered under them. The Company will not be responsible if a distributor is wrongly “snatched” or registered under another distributor. Where such an event happens, Edmark will not terminate that membership and transfer to the claimant’s group. However, where there is sufficient proof to show malice or bad intention on the part of the upline, Edmark reserves the right to terminate the membership of the accused upline.


What is Distributor No?
The login ID (aka Distributor No) is your EDA number.

What is a Password?
The login password is by default, your birthday with mmddyyyy format. So for instance, if your birthday falls on the 20th of August 1971, then your password is 08201971. However, you are allowed to change your password (to a choice of yours) after you log in.

My Distributor No and Password do not match and I can’t log in.
There are three possibilities here. (a) You forgot your password, (b) you supplied Edmark with the wrong birth date, and (c) You did not provide Edmark with your birthdate during the process of membership. For all cases, kindly contact Edmark to have your password reset and your birth date changed.
Action to be Taken by Branch Officer-in-charge
Before requesting from Edmark when the distributor cannot log in, please log in to CIS and check the birthday column in the Distributor Information to see if the birthday is valid (non-empty) OR if it is captured correctly.

Note:  Many complaints are either we were given the wrong date of birth or our staff erroneously encoded the date of birth.
Is the bonus calculation automatic in the online inquiry?
The bonus tree and bonus statement is NOT an automated process. The Bonus Tree needs to be generated by our IT staff and will only be available from the 5th of each month onwards. Your bonus statement will be available from the 20th of each month onwards.


Am I able to see my performance internationally as well as in the Philippines with the same login ID and password?
No, you can’t. As you have two memberships (1 for the Philippines, and 1 for International), you can only view each of your performances one at a time. As such, you need to log in to the Edmark Distributors Internet Inquiry with different IDs and Passwords.

Why is the Edmark Distributors Internet Inquiry so slow at times?
There are many unforeseeable reasons why the Internet can be slow like ISP’s glitch, bandwidth congestion, etc. and some other technical reasons that are beyond Edmark’s control. Please be assured that Edmark is consistently upgrading our services and ensuring the best quality service.


Q. Is ordering online secure?

A. Yes. We take utmost care of all information provided when an order is placed on our website. Our payment gateway uses the Internet-standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol that encrypts the transmission of all credit card and personal customer information.


Q. How do I place my order?

A. Once items are added to your shopping cart and you are ready to complete your transaction, click on ‘Place Order’ on the lower right of the page. You will be transferred to the ‘Billing and Shipping’ section where you will enter the billing and shipping addresses. In the ‘Billing and Shipping’ section, you have the option of indicating whether the shipping and billing details are the same if applicable. After providing this information, you are required to click on the ‘Confirm Info’ button to proceed to the checkout summary.


Q. How do I change or cancel my order?

A. When an order is processed and shipped from our distribution centre, we do not accept any cancellations or changes on an order. If you have questions or concerns about your order, please contact the E-Commerce Department at email


Q. How will I know that you have received my order?

A. After you complete the checkout process, an order confirmation will appear on your screen detailing your final order including shipping charges, your billing address, and the items that are being sent to your shipping address. You will also receive a confirmation via email that we have received your order together with the Online Cash Bill (OCB). Please make sure to enter the correct email address on the distributors’ profile to ensure that the confirmation is delivered accurately to you.


Q. What are your shipping and handling rates?

A. Shipping and handling rates vary depending on the destination of the order and are based on the weight and dimension (volume metric) of the products. All shipping costs are calculated in the payment section.


Q. How do I track my order?

A. When your order is dispatched from our distribution centre, we will send you a confirmation email. This email will include a tracking number and link to enable you to track the package through the courier’s website.


Q. What are your payment options?

A. We accept different types of major credit cards as well as online banking, over-the-counter payments, and non-over-the counter payments. Payment options will vary depending on the country/region.


Q. What is your returns policy?

A. Please see the return policy in terms and agreement for further details.


Q. How long after placing my order should I expect to receive my shipment?

A. All orders are processed within 1 business day. Estimated delivery varies depending on location.



Here are some Edmark facts.

- Edmark products are available in over 50 countries.
- You can buy Edmark Products online at Edmark Group SA Click Here.
- To see how to order Edmark products safely online... Click Here.
- Edmark products are proven to be pure, natural, effective, potent and healthy.
- Edmarks Beauty Pack is part of Edmark's product range that reverses ageing, rejuvenates your body and controls your hormones.

Common search terms for Edmark products.

Edmark products and their uses

Price list of Edmark products

Edmark products online South Africa

Edmark products Splina

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price list of Edmark products
Edmark Johannesburg
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Edmark products and their uses
Edmark products for weight loss
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Edmark Products Q&A

Here are some of the Edmark Products - Questions and Answers.

Q. Are Edmark Products good for you?
A. Yes, Edmark Products include healthy Teas, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tasty health drinks, and toothpaste all made from natural ingredients with no side effects.

Q. Where are Edmark Products made?
A. The Edmark factory is based in Malaysia.

Q. Can I order Edmark Products online?
A. Yes. Click Here to order online.

Q. What are the benefits of Edmark products?
A. There are many benefits to Edmark products, Click each product to see their benefits.

Q. Where can I buy Edmark products?
A. You can buy Edmark products online or direct from Edmark Group SA

Q. Do Edmark products expire?
A. Yes, they have expiry dates printed on each product.

Q. Are Edmark products safe?
A. Yes, Like most supplements they are perfectly safe if used in the right proportions.

Q. Where can I find prices for Edmark products?
A. Click Here for Edmark product prices.

Q. Where can I find a list of Edmark products?
A. Click Here for a list of Edmark products.

Q. What Edmark products are good for my skin?
A. Cocollagen, Splina and Splina Soap.

Q. Do Edmark products have preservatives?
A. No.

Q. Do Edmark products have side effects?

A. No.


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